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The Fiddler's Fakebook. Fiddle sheet music. Piano sheet music. Violin sheet music. Beginning.Traduction
La Fakebook The Fiddler. Partition violon. Partition pour piano. feuille de violon musique. Début.Original
The Fiddler's Fakebook. The Ultimate Sourcebook for the Traditional Fiddler. Edited by David Brody. For Fiddle, Violin. Music Sales America. Folk and Americana. Difficulty. easy-medium. Fake book. Lead melody, chord names, instructional text and performance notes. 302 pages. Oak Publications #OK63925. Published by Oak Publications. HL.14011288. ISBN 0825602386. With lead melody, chord names, instructional text and performance notes. Folk and Americana. 9x12 inches. Contains nearly 500 jigs, reels, rags, and hornpipes from all the major fiddling traditions. Special introductory materials on regional styles, bowing, and ornamentation. Includes an extensive discography. After The Battle Of Aughrim. Allie Crocker. Angeline The Baker 1. Angeline The Baker 2. Angus Campbell. Another Jig Will Do. Apple Blossom. Archie Menzie's Reel. Arkansas Traveler 1. Arkansas Traveler 2. Arkansas Traveler 3. Arthur Seat. The Athole Highlander's Farewell To Loch Katrine. The Athole Highlanders. Avalanche. Avalon Quickstep. Back Step Cindy. Back Up And Push. Baker's Breakdown. The Ballykeal Jig. Banish Misfortune. Banks Hornpipe. Barbara's Fancy. Barlow Knife. La Bastringue. The Battering Ram. The Battle of Aughrim. Beaumont Rag. Bee's Wing Hornpipe. Betty Liken. Big Sandy River. The Big Scioty. Bill Cheatham 1. Bill Cheatham 2. Billy In The Lowground 1. Billy In The Lowground 2. Birdie A. Birdie B. The Bird In The Tree. Bitter Creek. Black And White Rag. Blackberry Blossom 1. Black Eyed Suzie. Black Mountain Rag. Black Nag. Bluegrass In The Backwoods. Boatin' Up Sandy. Bobby Shaftoe. Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine. Bonaparte Crossing The Rocky Mountains. Bonaparte's Retreat. Bonnie Isle O'Whalsay. Bonnie Kate. Bonnie Lass O'Bon Accord. The Boys Of Bluehill. The Boys Of Lough. The Boys of Wexford. Breaking Up Christmas. Briarpicker Brown. Brickyard Joe. The Bride's A Bonnie Thing. Brilliancy Medley. Bull At The Wagon. The Bunch Of Keys 1. The Bunch Of Keys 2. Cabri Waltz. Cacklin' Hen. The Cameron Highlanders. Campbell's Farewell To Red Gap. Camp Chase. Carolan's Concerto. Carroll County Blues. Cattle In The Cane. Cherish The Ladies. Cherokee Shuffle. Chicken Reel. Chief O'Neill's Favorite. Childgrove. Chinese Breakdown. Chorus Jig. Christmas Day Ida Moarin'. Cindy. Cluckin' Hen. Cluck Old Hen. ColemanColeman's Cross. Coleraine. College Groves. Colored Aristocracy. Come Dance And Sing. The Congress Reel. The Connaughtman's Rambles. Cooley's Reel. Cotton-Eyed Joe. Cotton Patch Rag. Country Waltz. Crazy Creek. Cricket On The Hearth. Cripple Creek 1. Cripple Creek 2. Cross Eyed Fiddler. Cross Reel. Cuckoo's Nest. Cuffey. Cumberland Gap. Dailey's Reel. Dallas Rag. Dance All Night. The Day Dawn. Dennis Murphy's Polka. Devil's Dream. Dill Pickle Rag. Donald Blue. Donald Cameron's Polka. Done Gone. Don Tremaine's Reel. Double File. Dowd's Favorite. Down The Broom 1. Draggin' the Bow. Drowsy Maggie. Drunken Billy Goat. Drunken Hiccups. Dubuque. Dicks On The Millpond 1. Ducks on the Pond. Durang's Hornpipe 1. Durang's Hornpipe 2. Durham's Bull. Dusty Miller 1. Dusty Miller 2a. Dusty Miller 2b. East Neuk Of Fife. East Tennessee Blues. Ebenezer. Eighth Of January. Elzic's Farewell. Eugene Stratton. Fairy Dance. Falls Of Richmond. Farewell To Ireland. Farewell To Whiskey. Festival Waltz. Fiddle Head Reel. Fiddler's Dream. Fiddling Around. Fire On The Mountain. Fisherman's Favorite. Fisher's Hornpipe. Flop-Eared Mule. Florida Blues. Flowers of Edinburgh. Flying Cloud Cotillion. Folding Down The Sheets. Forked Deer. Forks of Sandy. Fort Smith Breakdown. Fortune. Four Cent Cotton. Fourteen Days In Georgia. Frieze Breeches. Frosty Morning. Da Galley Watch. Gallopede. Galway Hornpipe. Gaspe Reel. Gavin McMullen. George Booker. Georgia Railroad. Georgiana Moon. Gillian's Reel. The Girl I Left Behind Me. The Girl That Broke My Heart. Give Me Your Hand. Give The Fiddler A Dram 1. Gladstone's Reel. Going Down the river. Going To Jail. Going To Town. Golden Slippers. The Gold Ring. Goodbye Liza Jane. The Gravel Walk. Great Big Taters In Sandy Land. Greenfields Of America. Green Mountain Petronella. Green Willis. Grey Eagle. The Growling Old Man And Woman. Halting March. Hamilton County. Hanged Man's Reel. Harvest Home. Hast To The Wedding. Hawkins' Rag. Hawks And Eagles. Hell Among The Yearlings. Hewlett. Hickman County. Hi-Flyer Stomp. High Dad In The Morning. The Highland Man That Kissed His Grannie. Hobart's Transformation. Hog Eye. Hollow Poplar. Hull's Victory. The Humours of Ballyconnell. The Humours Of Ballyloughlin. The Hunter's Purse. Huntsman's Chorus. I Don't Love Nobody. In The Woodpile. The Irish Washerwoman. The Iron Man. Jack Broke Da Prison Door. Jack Of Diamonds. Jackson's Reel 1. Jackson's Reel 2. Jackson Stomp. Jaybird. Jenny Lind Polka. Jenny Lynn. Jenny's Welcome To Charlie. Jerusalem Ridge. John Brown's Dream. John Kelly's Slide. Johnny's Gone To France. Johnny The Blacksmith 1. John Ryan's Polka. Joys Of Quebec. Joyous Waltz. Jug Of Punch. June Apple. Katy Did. Katy Hill. Kaw River. Keep The Ark A Movin'. The Kerryman's Daughter. The Kerry Reel. The Kesh Jig. The Kid on the Mountain. The Killarney Boys Of Pleasure. The King Of The Fairies. The King OF The Pipers. Kissimee Kid. The Kitchen Girl. Kitty McGee. Lady Anne Montgomery. Lady In The Boat. Lady On The Island. The Laird O'Drumblair Strathspey. Langstrom's Pony. The Lark In The Morning. Larry O'Gaff. Lasses Trust In Providence. Last Night's Joy. The Last Of Callahan. Leather Britches. Lee Highway Blues. Da Lerwicks Lasses. Liberty. Liberty Off The Corn Liquor Still. Lime Rock. Listen To The Mockingbird. Little Burnt Potato. Little Liza Jane. Little Rabbit. Liza Jane 1. Loch Earn Reel. Loch Lavan Castle. Lonesome Fiddle Blues. Lord Gordon's Reel. Lord Inchiquin. Lord MacDonald's Reel. Lord Mayo 1. Lost Indian 1. Lost Indian 2. Lost John. Lost Train Blues. Louie's First Tune. Maggie Brown's Favorite. Magpie. The Maid Behind The Bar. Maiden's Prayer. The Maid On The Green. Make A Little Boat. Malcolm Finlay's Reel. Marching Down Broadway. Martha Campbell. Mary Walker. Mason's Apron. McMahon's Reel. Merrily Kiss the Quaker. The Merry Sisters. Methodist Preacher. Midnight On The Water. Millbank Cottage. Miller's Reel A. Mineola Rag. Mississippi Hornpipe. Mississippi Sawyer. Miss McLeod's Reel 1. Miss McLeod's Reel 2. Miss Monahan's Reel. Miss Thornton's Reel. Miss Wedderburn's Reel. Molly Put The Kettle On. Money Musk A. Money Musk B. Monroe's Hornpipe. Morgan Magan. The Morning Dew. Morpeth Rant. Murphy's Hornpipe. The Musical Priest. My Own House Waltz. Nancy Rowland. New Money. The Nine Points Of Roguery. Nonesuch. The Oak Tree. Off She Goes. Off To California. O'Keefe's Slide. Old French. Old Jimmy Sutton. Old Joe Clark. Old Molly Hare. Old Mother Flanagan. One More River To Cross. Opera Reel. Opus 57. Orange Blossom Special. Over The Waterfall. Ozark Rag. Paddy On The Railroad. Paddy On The Turnpike 1a. Paddy On The Turnpike 1b1. Paddy On The Turnpike 1b2. Paddy Won't You Drink Some Cider. Padraic O'Keefe's Slide. Peacock Rag. Peter Francisco. Petronella. Pig Ankle Rag. Pigeon On The Gate. The Pipe On The Hob. Pit Hame Da Borrowed Claes. Planxty Drury. Planxty George Brabazon. Planxty Irwin. President Garfield's Hornpipe. Pretty Little Dog. Prince William. Queen Of The Fair. The Queen's Jig. Quince Dillon' High D. Ragtime Annie. The Rakes Of Kildare. Red Apple Rag. Red Haired Boy. Red Lion Hornpipe. Red Wing. Richmond. Richmond Cotillion. Rickett's Hornpipe. Rights Of Man. Road To Columbus. The Road To Lisdoonvarna 1. The Road To Lisdoonvarna 2. Rochester Schottische 1. Rock The Cradle Joe. Rocky Mountain Goat. Rocky Road To Dublin 1. Rodney's Glory. Rose Division. Rose Tree 1. Rose Tree 2. Ross's Reel. Roustabout. The Route. Roxanna's Waltz. Roxborough Castle. Run, Johnny, Run A. Run, Johhny, Run B. Russian Rag. Rye Straw. Sail Away Ladies 1a. Sail Away Ladies 1b. Sail Away Ladies 2. The Sailor's Bonnet. Sailor's Hornpipe. Saint Anne's Reel. Sally Ann A. Sally Ann B. Sally Ann C. Sally Ann Johnson. Sally Gardens. Sally Goodin' 1. Sally Goodin' 2. Sally In The Garden. Sally Johnson. Salt River 1. Salt River 2. Sandy River Belle 1. Sandy River Belle 2. Santa Anna's Retreat. Say Old Man Can You Play The Fiddle. Da Scalloway Lasses. Scotland the Brave. Sheebeg And Sheemore. Sheehan's Reel. Shelvin Rock 1. Ship In The Clouds. Ships Are Sailing. Shooting Creek. Shoot The Turkey Buzzard. The Silver Spire. Silver Threads Among The Gold. Sleeping Lulu. Sleep Soond Ida Moarin'. Sligo Maid. Smash The Windows. Smith's Reel. Snoring Mrs. Gobeil. Snowbird On The Ashbank. Snowflake Reel. Snowshoes A. Soldier's Joy. Sonny's Mazurka. Southwind. Speed The Plough. The Star Above The Garter. The Star Of Munster. Star of the County Down. Staten Island. Stone's Rag. Stoney Creek. Stoney Point. Stony Fork. Sugar Hill. Sugar In The Gourd. The Swallow Tail Jig. The Swallow's Tail Reel. Sweet Bunch Of Daisies. Swinging Fiddles. Swinging On A Gate. Take Me Back To Georgia. Tarbolton Reel. Tater Patch. Temperance Reel. Texas Gales. There's A Brown Skin Gal. Three-In-One Two-Step. Timour The Tartar. Tobin's Jig. Tom And Jerry. Too Young To Marry. Toss The Feathers. Trip To Sligo. Trude Evans. Turkey In The Straw. Twenty-Eight Of January. Twinkle Little Star. Twin Sisters 1. Da Underhill. Up Jumped The Devil. Wagoner. Wake Up Susan 1. Walking In My Sleep. Walkin' In The Parlor. Washington County. Ways Of The World. The Weavers. Wedding March From Unst. Wednesday Night Waltz. Western Country. West Fork Gals. Westphalia Waltz. The Wheels of the World. Whiskey Before Breakfast. Whistling Rufus. The White Cockade. White Horse Breakdown. Wild Rose Of The Mountain. The Wind The Shakes The Barley. The Wise Maid. Woodchopper's Reel. Year Of Jubilo. You Married My Daughter, And Yet You Didn't.Traduction
La Fakebook The Fiddler. The Ultimate Sourcebook le violoneux traditionnel. Edité par David Brody. Pour violon, violon. Music Sales. Folk et Americana. Difficulté. facile à moyen. Faux livre. Mélodie plomb, noms d'accord, le texte d'enseignement et de performance notes. 302 pages. Дуб Публикации. Publié par Oak Publications. HL.14011288. ISBN 0825602386. Avec mélodie plomb, noms d'accord, le texte d'instructions et notes de performance. Folk et Americana. 9x12 pouces. Contient près de 500 gabarits, bobines, chiffons, et matelotes de toutes les grandes traditions de violoneux. Matériaux spéciaux d'introduction sur les styles régionaux, en s'inclinant, et ornementation. Comprend une vaste discographie. Après la bataille de Aughrim. Allie Crocker. Angeline Baker 1. Angeline Baker 2. Angus Campbell. Un autre Jig Will Do. Apple Blossom. Reel Archie Menzie. Arkansas Traveler 1. Arkansas Traveler 2. Arkansas Traveler 3. Siège d'Arthur. Farewell To Loch Katrine du Athole Highlander. Le Athole Highlanders. Avalanche. Avalon Quickstep. Retour Étape Cindy. Retour vers le haut et poussez. La répartition de Baker. Le Ballykeal Jig. Bannissez malheur. Banques Hornpipe. Fantaisie de Barbara. Barlow couteau. La Bastringue. Le Bélier. La bataille de Aughrim. Beaumont Rag. Wing Hornpipe Bee. Betty Liken. Big Sandy River. The Big Scioty. Bill Cheatham 1. Bill Cheatham 2. Billy dans la Lowground 1. Billy dans la Lowground 2. Birdie A. Birdie B. L'oiseau dans l'arbre. Bitter Creek. En noir et blanc Rag. Blackberry Blossom 1. Black Eyed Suzie. Black Mountain Rag. Noir Nag. Bluegrass dans les bois. Boatin 'Up Sandy. Bobby Shaftoe. Bonaparte croisant le Rhin. Bonaparte traversant les Rocheuses. La retraite de Bonaparte. Bonnie Isle O'Whalsay. Bonnie Kate. Bonnie Lass O'Bon Accord. Les garçons de Bluehill. Les garçons de Lough. Les garçons de Wexford. Rupture de Noël. Briarpicker Brown. Briqueterie Joe. Un Bonnie chose de la mariée. Éclat Medley. Bull At The Wagon. Le Groupe De Clés 1. Le Groupe De Clés 2. Cabri Waltz. Poule Cacklin '. Les Cameron Highlanders. Farewell To Red Gap Campbell. Camp Chase. Le Concerto de Carolan. Carroll County Blues. Bovins dans la canne. Cherish The Ladies. Cherokee aléatoire. Chicken Reel. Favorite du chef O'Neill. Childgrove. Répartition chinois. Refrain Jig. Le jour de Noël Ida Moarin '. Cindy. Poule Cluckin. Cluck Old Hen. Croix de ColemanColeman. Coleraine. Groves de l'Ordre. Couleur Aristocratie. Venez danser et chanter. Le Reel Congrès. Randonnées de la Connaughtman. Reel de Cooley. Cotton Eyed Joe-. Cotton Patch Rag. Pays Waltz. Fou Creek. Cricket on the Hearth. Cripple Creek 1. Cripple Creek 2. Cross Eyed Fiddler. Reel Croix. Nid de Coucou. Cuffey. Cumberland Gap. Reel Dailey. Dallas Rag. Danser toute la nuit. Le Jour Aube. Polka de Dennis Murphy. Le rêve du diable. Dill Pickle Rag. Donald Bleu. Polka de Donald Cameron. Finie fait. Reel de Don Tremaine. Double Fichier. Dowd favoris. Down The Broom 1. Draggin 'Bow. Drowsy Maggie. Drunken Billy Goat. Hoquet ivres. Dubuque. Dicks sur l'étang 1. Canards sur l'étang. Hornpipe 1 de Durang. Hornpipe 2 de Durang. Bull Durham. Dusty Miller 1. Dusty Miller 2a. Dusty Miller 2b. Est Neuk de Fife. Est Tennessee Blues. Ebenezer. Huitième de Janvier. Adieu de Elzic. Eugene Stratton. Fée de danse. Falls Of Richmond. Adieu à l'Irlande. Adieu au whisky. Festival de Waltz. Fiddle Head Reel. Le rêve de Fiddler. Bidouiller. Fire On The Mountain. Fisherman favoris. Le Hornpipe de Fisher. Flop-oreilles Mule. Florida Blues. Fleurs d'Edimbourg. Flying Cloud cotillon. Pliant les draps. Fourchue cerfs. Fourches de Sandy. Fort Smith Ventilation. Fortune. Quatre Cent coton. Quatorze jours en Géorgie. Culotte Frise. Matin givré. Da Galley montre. Gallopede. Galway Hornpipe. Gaspé Reel. Gavin McMullen. George Booker. Géorgie chemin de fer. Georgiana Lune. Reel Gillian. La fille J'ai laissé derrière moi. La fille qui a brisé mon coeur. Donnez-moi votre main. Donnez The Fiddler A Dram 1. Reel de Gladstone. Aller en bas de la rivière. Aller en prison. Aller à la ville. Golden Slippers. L'anneau d'or. Adieu Liza Jane. La Marche de gravier. Great Big Taters En Sandy Terre. Greenfields d'Amérique. Green Mountain Petronella. Vert Willis. Grey Eagle. Le Vieil Homme Et Une Femme grognement. Mettre un terme à Mars. Hamilton County. Reel Pendu. Harvest Home. As à la noce. Rag Hawkins. Faucons et les aigles. Enfer Parmi les yearlings. Hewlett. Hickman County. Salut-Flyer Stomp. Haute papa In The Morning. L'homme Highland C'est embrassa sa mamie. Transformation de Hobart. Hog Eye. Creux peuplier. Victoire de Hull. Les humeurs de Ballyconnell. Les humeurs d'Ballyloughlin. La Bourse de The Hunter. Chorus Huntsman. Je ne t'aime Personne. Dans le tas de bois. La blanchisseuse irlandais. L'homme de fer. Jack Broke Da prison porte. Jack Of Diamonds. Jackson Reel 1. Reel Jackson 2. Jackson Stomp. Jaybird. Jenny Lind Polka. Jenny Lynn. Bienvenue Jenny Pour Charlie. Jérusalem Ridge. Le rêve de John Brown. Toboggan de John Kelly. Johnny est allé France. Johnny The Blacksmith 1. Polka de John Ryan. Joies de Québec. Joyeux Waltz. Pichet de punch. Juin d'Apple. Katy Did. Katy Colline. Kaw rivière. Keep The Ark A Movin '. La fille du Kerryman. Le Kerry Reel. Le Kesh Jig. L'enfant sur la montagne. Les Killarney Boys Of Pleasure. The King Of The Fairies. Le roi de la Pipers. Kissimee Kid. La fille de cuisine. Kitty McGee. Lady Anne Montgomery. Lady In The Boat. Dame sur l'île. Le Laird O'Drumblair Strathspey. Poney Langstrom. The Lark In The Morning. Larry O'Gaff. Lasses confiance en la Providence. La joie de la nuit dernière. The Last Of Callahan. Braies en cuir. Lee Highway Blues. Depuis l'adoption Lerwicks. Liberté. Liberté Off The Corn Liquor toujours. Lime Rock. Listen To The Mockingbird. Little Potato Burnt. Petite Liza Jane. Little Rabbit. Liza Jane 1. Loch Earn Reel. Château de Loch Lavan. Blues Fiddle Lonesome. Reel de Lord Gordon. Seigneur Inchiquin. Reel Seigneur MacDonald. Seigneur Mayo 1. 1 indienne perdue. 2 indienne perdue. Perdu John. Perdu Train Blues. Première Tune Louie. Favorite de Maggie Brown. Pie. La Pucelle derrière le bar. La prière de la jeune fille. La Pucelle sur le vert. Faites un petit bateau. Reel de Malcolm Finlay. Marchant sur Broadway. Martha Campbell. Mary Walker. Tablier de Mason. Reel McMahon. Joyeusement Embrassez le Quaker. Les Joyeux Sisters. Prédicateur méthodiste. Midnight On The Water. Millbank Cottage. Reel A Miller. Mineola Rag. Mississippi Hornpipe. Mississippi Sawyer. Reel de Miss McLeod 1. Reel de Miss McLeod 2. Reel de Miss Monahan. Reel de Mlle Thornton. Reel de Miss Wedderburn. Molly mettre la bouilloire sur. Argent Musc Une. Argent Musc B. Le Hornpipe Monroe. Morgan Magan. La rosée du matin. Morpeth Rant. Le Hornpipe Murphy. Le prêtre musicale. Ma propre maison Waltz. Nancy Rowland. New Money. Les neuf points Roguery. Sans pareil. Le Chêne. Elle s'en va. Off To California. Slide O'Keefe. Ancien français. Vieux Jimmy Sutton. Old Joe Clark. Vieux Molly Hare. Old Mother Flanagan. Une autre rivière à traverser. Opera Reel. Opus 57. Orange Blossom Special. Au cours de la cascade. Ozark Rag. Paddy au chemin de fer. Paddy sur l'autoroute 1a. Paddy sur l'autoroute 1b1. Paddy sur l'autoroute 1b2. Paddy ne vous boire du cidre. Slide Padraic O'Keefe. Peacock Rag. Peter Francisco. Petronella. Cochon cheville Rag. Pigeon sur la porte. Le tuyau en Hob. Pit Hame Da Borrowed Claes. Planxty Drury. Planxty George Brabazon. Planxty Irwin. Le Hornpipe du président Garfield. Pretty Little Dog. Prince William. La Reine de la Foire. Jig de la Reine. Quince Dillon 'High D. Ragtime Annie. The Rakes Of Kildare. Red Apple Rag. Red Haired Boy. Red Lion Hornpipe. Red Wing. Richmond. Richmond cotillon. Le Hornpipe Rickett. Droits de l'homme. Road To Columbus. La route à Lisdoonvarna 1. La route à Lisdoonvarna 2. Rochester écossais 1. Rock The Cradle Joe. Rocky Mountain Goat. Rocky Road To Dublin 1. La Gloire de Rodney. Division Rose. Rose Tree 1. Rose Tree 2. Reel de Ross. Débardeur. La Route. Valse de Roxanna. Château Roxborough. Exécuter, Johnny, Run A. Exécuter, Johhny, Run B. Rag russe. La paille de seigle. Sail Away Ladies 1a. Sail Away 1b dames. Sail Away Ladies 2. Bonnet The Sailor. Le Hornpipe Sailor. Reel de Sainte-Anne. Sally Ann A. Sally Ann B. Sally Ann C. Sally Ann Johnson. Sally Gardens. 1 Sally Goodin '. Sally Goodin '2. Sally dans le jardin. Sally Johnson. Salt River 1. Salt River 2. Sandy River Belle 1. Sandy River Belle 2. La retraite de Santa Anna. Say Old Man Pouvez-vous jouer du violon. Da Scalloway Lasses. Scotland the Brave. Sheebeg Et Sheemore. Reel Sheehan. Shelvin Rock 1. Bateau Dans Les Nuages. Les bateaux naviguent. Tir Creek. Shoot The Turquie Buzzard. Le Silver Spire. Fils d'argent parmi les or. Dormir Lulu. Sommeil Soond Ida Moarin '. Sligo ménage. Briser les vitres. Reel Smith. Ronflement Mme Gobeil. Snowbird Sur Le Ashbank. Flocon de neige Reel. Raquettes A. La joie de soldat. Mazurka de Sonny. Southwind. Speed The Plough. L'étoile au-dessus La jarretière. L'Étoile de Munster. Étoile de la Comté de Down. Staten Island. Rag de pierre. Stoney Creek. Stoney Point. Stony Fork. Sugar Hill. Sucre dans les Gourd. La queue d'hirondelle Jig. Queue Reel de l'Hirondelle. Doux bouquet de marguerites. Balançant violons. Balançant sur une porte. Take Me Back To Georgia. Tarbolton Reel. Tater Patch. Temperance Reel. Texas Gales. Il ya une fille de Brown Skin. Trois-en-un Two-Step. Timour Le Tartare. Jig Tobin. Tom et Jerry. Trop jeune pour se marier. Mélanger Les Plumes. Voyage à Sligo. Trude Evans. Turquie dans la paille. Vingt-huit de Janvier. Twinkle Little Star. Twin Sisters 1. Da Underhill. Jusqu'à sauté le diable. Charretier. Wake Up Susan 1. Marcher dans mon sommeil. Walkin 'In The Parlor. Washington County. Voies du monde. Les Tisserands. Mariage Mars De Unst. Mercredi soir Waltz. Western Country. West Fork Gals. Westphalie Waltz. Les roues du Monde. Whiskey Before Breakfast. Siffler Rufus. La cocarde blanche. Répartition du Cheval Blanc. Wild Rose Of The Mountain. Le Vent Le Shakes The Barley. Le Sage de ménage. Reel Woodchopper. Année de Jubilo. Vous vous êtes marié ma fille, et pourtant vous n'avez pas fait.Recherches fréquentes