
Partitions $16.99


Sarah McLachlan - Laws of Illusion. Sarah McLachlan. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


Sarah McLachlan - Laws of Illusion. Sarah McLachlan. Piano, Chant, Guitare feuille musique. feuille de musique vocale. Partitions Musique.


Sarah McLachlan - Laws of Illusion by Sarah McLachlan. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Artist Songbook. Softcover. 82 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.307169. ISBN 1423498682. 9x12 inches. Our songbook matches the long-awaited 2010 album from the multi-platinum, Grammy-winning singer. songwriter, her first studio album of new material in seven years. Contains 12 tracks in all, including. Awakenings. Changes. Don't Give Up on Us. Forgiveness. Illusions of Bliss. Loving You Is Easy. U Want Me 2. and more. Changes. Forgiveness. U Want Me 2. Don't Give Up On Us. Rivers Of Love. Out Of Tune. Illusions Of Bliss. Heartbreak. Awakenings. Loving You Is Easy. Love Come. Bring On The Wonder.


Sarah McLachlan - Laws of Illusion de Sarah McLachlan. Pour Piano. Vocal. Guitare. Plan. Vocal. Guitar Songbook d'Artiste. Couverture souple. 82 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.307169. ISBN 1423498682. 9x12 pouces. Notre songbook correspond le tant attendu album 2010 de la multi-platine, le chanteur Grammy. compositeur, son premier album studio de nouveau matériel en sept ans. Contient 12 titres en tout, dont. Awakenings. Changements. N'abandonnez pas sur nous. Pardon. Illusions de Bliss. Loving You Is Easy. U Want Me 2. et de plus. Changements. Pardon. U Want Me 2. Ne pas Give Up On Us. Rivers Of Love. Désaccordé. Illusions Of Bliss. Crève-cœur. Awakenings. Loving You Is Easy. Love Come. Bring On The Wonder.