Partitions $14.95
At Your Altars. Chants, Refrains, and Short Songs. Various. Choir sheet music.
À tes autels. Chants, refrains, et Short Songs. Divers. Partition chorale.
At Your Altars. Chants, Refrains, and Short Songs. composed by Various. Edited by Dan Damon. For SATB choir, Unison choir. General. Hymn Collection. Published by Hope Publishing Company. HP.8607. This collection, edited by Dan Damon, provides 98 short songs by various authors and composers that can be easily learned and memorized quickly. Most are arranged for four-part singing, but may also be sung in unison or by a single voice, making them suitable for individual prayer as well as corporate worship. Each hymn includes a 'suggested use' and the indexes include short biographical sketches of the hymn writers, some of which are published here for the first time. Dan's Introduction, sets out the way to use the pieces intelligently. Essential reading. A Fire Burns. Abide In Me. Adonai, What Do I Wait For. All Who Are Thirsty. At Your Altars. Alleluia. Alleluia. As My Feet Walk the Way. Ato Ni Iru Mono Ga. Bless, Loving God, This Waiting Place. Bless The Lord, O My Soul. Breathe On Us. Bring Me Out of Prison. Child of an Ancient Time. Come, Holy Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, Rescue Me. Come On, Children, to the Gospel Feast. COME TO THE TABLE OF GRACE. Come to Us, Light of the World. Convince, Rebuke, and Encourage. Darkness Is Not Dark to You. Devote Yourselves to Prayer. Dios Es Tierno. Fold Us in Your Peace. Give Thanks to the Lord. Glory To God. God at My Right Hand. God, Grant Me the Serenity. Grant Me Hope. Guide This Craft and Those Who Pilot. Hava Nashirah. Hear My Prayer When I Cannot Pray. Here And Now. Here Is Bread for the Hungry Soul. Holy Spirit, Fall on Me. How Long, O Lord. Hungry for God, We Come. I Am Small, and of Little Account. I Give Thanks to God. I Will Comfort You. I Will Look unto the Lord. If I Take the Wings of the Morning. In Stillness, Your Word. Infinite Intimate, Unbounded Friend. Jesus, Come Among Us. Jesus, You Raised Lazarus. Lamb Of God. Let Justice Roll Down. Let Me Not Stand Idly By. Let The Words Of My Mouth. Let There Be Blessing. Lord, Have Mercy. Love Can Build A Bridge. May God's Love Fill the Earth. May the Words of My Mouth. My Cup Runs Over. My Heart and My Flesh Rejoice. My Lips Will Sing for Joy. My Soul Finds Rest. O Absalom. O Dwellers in the Dust. O Holy One, Revive Us. O Lord, Have Mercy on Us. O Lord, open thou our lips. One Common Prayer. Open Our Minds. Out of the Depths. Peace Is Flowing Like a River. Pie Jesu. Receive Our Bits and Pieces. Risen Christ. Sanctus. Send Us Your Spirit. Send Your Spirit to Set Us Free. Shine On Me. Shine Your Light for All to See. Sing, My Soul, with Joy. Spirit of Christ. Spirit of God, O Heavenly Dove. Thanks Be To God. The Lord Is My Light. The Lord Will Be Your Everlasting Light. The Teaching of the Lord Is Perfect. The Word Is Born. To Follow Faithfully. Tu Palabra Es una Luz. Upon You Was I Cast Since Birth. We Can Speak the Truth to God. We Watch and Wait in Darkness Here. Weeping My Linger for the Night. Where You Go, I Will Go. Wherever You Go. Who Is My Neighbor. You Are Baptized into Christ. You Are Holy. Younger than a Youth. Your Grace Is All I Need. Your Kingdom Come.
À tes autels. Chants, refrains, et Short Songs. composé par Various. Edited by Dan Damon. Pour chœur SATB, Unison choeur. Général. Hymn Collection. Publié par Hope Publishing Company. HP.8607. This collection, edited by Dan Damon, provides 98 short songs by various authors and composers that can be easily learned and memorized quickly. Most are arranged for four-part singing, but may also be sung in unison or by a single voice, making them suitable for individual prayer as well as corporate worship. Each hymn includes a 'suggested use' and the indexes include short biographical sketches of the hymn writers, some of which are published here for the first time. Dan's Introduction, sets out the way to use the pieces intelligently. Essential reading. A Fire Burns. Demeurez en moi. Adonai, What Do I Wait For. Celui qui a soif. À tes autels. Alléluia. Alléluia. As My Feet Walk the Way. Ato Ni Iru Mono Ga. Bless, Loving God, This Waiting Place. Bénis le Seigneur, ô mon âme. Breathe On nous. Bring Me Out of Prison. Child of an Ancient Time. Viens, Esprit Saint. Come, Holy Spirit, Rescue Me. Come On, Children, to the Gospel Feast. Venir à la table DE GRÂCE. Come to Us, Light of the World. Convince, Rebuke, and Encourage. Darkness Is Not Dark to You. Devote Yourselves to Prayer. Dios Es Tierno. Fold Us in Your Peace. Donnez Merci au Seigneur. Gloire à Dieu. God at My Right Hand. God, Grant Me the Serenity. Grant Me Hope. Guide This Craft and Those Who Pilot. Hava Nashirah. Hear My Prayer When I Cannot Pray. Ici et maintenant. Here Is Bread for the Hungry Soul. Holy Spirit, Fall on Me. Combien de temps, Seigneur. Hungry for God, We Come. I Am Small, and of Little Account. I Give Thanks to God. Je vous consolerai. Je vais regarder le Seigneur. Si je prends les ailes de l'aurore. In Stillness, Your Word. Infinite Intimate, Unbounded Friend. Jesus, Come Among Us. Jesus, You Raised Lazarus. Lamb Of God. Let Justice Roll Down. Let Me Not Stand Idly By. Que les paroles de ma bouche. Let There Be Blessing. Seigneur, aie pitié. L'amour peut construire un pont. May God's Love Fill the Earth. Que les paroles de ma bouche. My Cup Runs Over. My Heart and My Flesh Rejoice. My Lips Will Sing for Joy. Mon âme trouve le repos. Absalom. O Dwellers in the Dust. O Holy One, Revive Us. O Lord, Have Mercy on Us. Seigneur, ouvre nos lèvres tu. One Common Prayer. Open Our Minds. Sur les Profondeurs. Paix coule comme une rivière. Pie Jesu. Receive Our Bits and Pieces. Christ ressuscité. Sanctus. Envoyez-nous votre Esprit. Send Your Spirit to Set Us Free. Shine On Me. Shine Your Light for All to See. Sing, My Soul, with Joy. Spirit of Christ. Spirit of God, O Heavenly Dove. Merci à Dieu. Le Seigneur est ma lumière. The Lord Will Be Your Everlasting Light. The Teaching of the Lord Is Perfect. La Parole Is Born. To Follow Faithfully. Tu Palabra Es una Luz. Upon You Was I Cast Since Birth. We Can Speak the Truth to God. We Watch and Wait in Darkness Here. Weeping My Linger for the Night. Where You Go, I Will Go. Partout où vous allez. Who Is My Neighbor. You Are Baptized into Christ. Vous êtes Saint-. Younger than a Youth. Votre Grâce Is All I Need. Votre Kingdom Come.