Partitions $2.76
Cinq Chansons Folkloriques d'Haiti. Sheet Music. SSA. SSA.Traduction
Cinq Chansons Folkloriques d'Haiti. Partitions. SSA. SSA.Original
Five delightful and accessible folksongs with French lyrics are to be sung together as a set – any choir would enjoy singing these. SSA A Cappella. Ti zuazo. Little Bird. A little bird, on her way to Mrs. Lalo’s house, warns the children not to go there because Mrs. Lalo may try to eat them. However, the song is quite playful because the nightingale eats only fruit. Muen soti nan vil Leogan’. I Come from the Town of Leogane. This slow, soft song tells how the singer hears that his mama is sick. He is sad that he cannot be at her bedside. Feill’ oh. Leaves, Oh. The singer hopes that a good healer will be able to save a sick little boy. The words are repeated rhythmically as part of the healing charm. Dodo Titit. Sleep, Little Child. The child must fall asleep before a crab comes. The second verse tells that the child’s parents are away at the river. Frere Jacques Kilik Kilik. Brother John, are you sleeping. The little bells are ringing. Kilik, kilik, give me a piece of banana. give me a piece of sweet potato.Traduction
Five delightful and accessible folksongs with French lyrics are to be sung together as a set – any choir would enjoy singing these. SSA A Cappella. Ti Zuazo. Little Bird. A little bird, on her way to Mrs. Lalo’s house, warns the children not to go there because Mrs. Lalo may try to eat them. Cependant, la chanson est très ludique car le rossignol ne mange que des fruits. Muen soti nan vil Leogan’. Je viens de la ville de Léogâne. Cette chanson douce lente raconte comment le chanteur entend que sa maman est malade. Il est triste qu'il ne peut pas être à son chevet. Feill’ oh. Feuilles, Oh. Le chanteur espère qu'un bon guérisseur sera en mesure de sauver un petit garçon malade. Les mots sont répétés rythmiquement comme partie du charme de guérison. Dodo Titit. Sommeil, petit enfant. L'enfant doit s'endormir devant un crabe vient. The second verse tells that the child’s parents are away at the river. Frere Jacques Kilik Kilik. Frère John, êtes-vous en train de dormir. Les petites cloches sonnent. Kilik, Kilik, donne-moi un morceau de banane. me donner un morceau de la patate douce.Recherches fréquentes
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