
Paroles: Something Corporate. Airports.

You little creep,
That's what she said
These quotes from your mother
Get better every day.
And you'll be nothing
Just like your fater
At least that's what the kids at school say
And Jami spent her Christmas at the
She said planes made her feel
Like she could get away.
And I spent Christmas in a detox ward
I wish I had an AIRPORT.....someday
('Cause somedays are just so hard)
And we hung like space stations and rocketships
And dreamed like we were things of the sky
We dressed like kings and queens and lovers
And shouted out inro the night "we're never gonna die"
And I've waited here for hours
Hoping that you'd call
And my dialing finger's tired
And your machine is full
And I've taken 18 showers
Just to pass the time
And that fucking phone just rang
But it wasn't you on the line.
(And you don't seem to mind)

And it was New Year's Eve
But I was thinking of the summer
Knowing that at midnight
You wouldn't be around
And they say children make the greatest soldiers
They do just like they're told
And take up less space on the ground
(But I'm not fighting a war)
And it seems to me that we'be been here before.
Where were you when I was at the AIRPORT
Where were you when I wanted to fly
Tell me where you were when I was at the AIRPORT
These planes fall from the sky.

And I wish I had an AIRPORT...somedays
'Cause some days are just so hard