
Paroles: Soundtrack Artists. Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Yum!.

tommy:slob the poop deck mr. phil
hoist the ankle number 1
phil:Arrrgh, aye-aye cap'n
tommy:a pirates life is a life for me
lil:yo ho ho and a bottle of yum
chuckie:i get sea sick on the sea
rugrats:yo ho ho and a bottle of yum
phil:hoist the reptar flag real high
tommy:a sword is pointed to the sky
lil:need a patch across your eye (lil and phil laugh)
lil: from zanzibar..
phil: candy bar
rugrats: yo ho ho and a bottle of yum
tommy: search for tressure near and far
rugrats: yo ho ho and a bottle of yum
lil: beware your ship should cross our path
phil: we'll shoot a cannon through your mast

chuckie: remove your gold baboons by half
lil: yo ho ho ho ho
chuckie: ohhhhh
tommy: a pirates life is a life for me
rugrats: yo ho ho and a bottle of yum
chuckie: adventure on the open sea
rugrats: yo ho ho and a bottle of yum
tommy: a pirates life is a life for me
rugrats: yo ho ho and a bottle of yum
rugrats: yo ho ho and a bottle of yum
Music: tommy laughs