
Paroles: Yesterday's Rising. This Is My Thought Crime.

Caught in a battle where we will always lose
It's every man for himself
You can't control your life
You can't choose
I won't budge

It's a new day, a new sunset
And I've misplaced my name
We've misplaced the one
The one thing that we live
So I dream of this

I fought in this battle longer than I thought
It's every man for himself
Why do you continue what you've done?
My two plus two equals four
My numbers equal what I want them to
And I won't budge

Well someday this battle will be won
And I'll rest in peace
And I'll say that this thought crime is over
It's over

The ministry of love, peace, truth, and plenty
Are you sick in the head?
I can't take this
I'm over my head
Thought crime is my death
I will not rest

This thought crime is over