Traduction: Barnabé. Est venu dans la Pimpin Porte '.
Traduction: Barnabé. Parler Au Téléphone.
As I was walkin? down the road to Bethlehem one night I looked up to the sky and there I saw a wondrous sight A star was shining brighter than I?d ever
Whenever I try to hold my baby, she just stand there for a while No matter how I try to please that woman, she won't even crack a smile Lord, maybe
Whenever I try to hold my baby, she just stand there for a while No matter how I try to please that woman, she won't even crack a smile Lord, maybe you
Il parait que c'etait un bel homme qui venait du large Sachant comme personne parler d'amour aux femmes Il offrit a Marie une bague de pacotille Prit
Noyes de bleu sous le ciel grec Un bateau, deux bateaux,trois bateaux S'en vont chantant Griffant le ciel a coups de bec Un oiseau, deux oiseaux, trois
Bambino, Bambino ne pleure pas, Bambino Les yeux battus la mine triste et les joues blemes Tu ne dors plus Tu n'es plus que l'ombre de toi-meme Seul
Maurice White, Verdine White & Roland Bautista Remember the children Children Remember the children Remember the children See the message in their
Maurice White, Verdine Adams (?), Michael Beal, Donald Whitehead & Wade Flemons Way up on that mountain children Reachin' up there for ya children Need
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh It's like that, its like that, like that, like that, like that, like that Had the ? and the sweat and the ? and the brews adn knew
J'espere que tu reviendras bientot, ici, c'est la penurie, Les regards hagards, les lascars et la sale vie : Helas, la vie, ici souvent sourit aux vicieux
[Intro] "Dein Name ist doch Fabian Romer. Was fur'n Spie?ername." "Morgen ist Deadline und du hast einfach nichts." "F zu dem R, Deutschraps Zukunft,
[Intro:] "You gotta ask yourself a question do I feel lucky well do ya punk" [Cock of a gun an Gunshot sound] [Beat drops horns sound] [Over a loud speaker
With a child's heart Go face the worries of the day With a child's heart Turn each problem into play No need to worry no need to fear Just being alive
C?est ma vie, ces hauts et ces bas, ils parlent de moi mais ne me connaissent meme pas J?ai pleure un beau jour, 9heure du mat? de mai 81 apres mon
il frappe la balle contre les murs oui, tellement sa galere de sa vie s'en bat les glaoui, en echec scolaire il seche les cours, traine devant l'ecole