Traduction: Né Chaudron. ... Et Rome Shall Fall.
The wind is moaning through the trees and the sorceress on her knees Sacrifice in the grove tonight The legions are on their way and the Romans they
Sorcery is drawing down the aeons Kings of the night Out of the past a King comes to fight And Rome Shall Fall, Rome Shall, Rome Shall Fall Thus spake
the battle it rocks the sky As the Kelts smote and heap the carnage high The Vikings form their shirld wall But the Dalcasian axes see that they fall
Outlaw, Exile of Atlantis My tribesmen turned on me They said, I could slay in war but not in mercy They tied a girl to a stake to be burned alive My
chains while my fists can still grip steel I will go to the worms of the earth and I'll strike my unholy deal I won't break and I alone, I will be the
calling me Falling out into the abyss brought this festival in the snow Across nameless stars My forefathers called me from long ago Twelve figures were there other than myself Cloaked and
drinks the blood at dawn Steel on steel will clash In a lightning flash Thousands of men fall down and die At last we break their lines and now they
When omens of all portant come to be and the ancient ones rise up from the sea and the winged one comes forth from the moon The one will appear whose