(Marius and Cosette lead a wedding procession) CHORUS Ring out the bells Upon this day of days! May all the angels Of the Lord above In jubilation
Open the gates and seize the day Don't be afraid and don't delay Nothing can break us No one can make us Give our rights away Arise and seize the day
Artist: Demetrius West and Reflections of God Chorale Songwriter: Ananais "Markey" Montague I've got a reason to lift my head high Things are looking
[Marius and Cosette lead a wedding procession.] Chorus Ring out the bells upon this day of days! May all the angels of the Lord above In jubilation
Traduction: BO de Dirty Dancing. L'Emile Bergsteign Chorale - Hymne de Kellerman.
Traduction: BO de Dirty Dancing. Hymne Kellerman [Emile Bergsteign Chorale].
Traduction: La Chorale Emile Bergstein. Kellerman Anthem.
Traduction: La Chorale Emile Bergstein. Whispers In The Dawn.
Traduction: Enya. Oíche Chiúin (Chorale).
Traduction: Harry Simeone Chorale. Little Drummer Boy.
Traduction: Les Miserables Soundtrack. Chorale de mariage à la fête [invités, M. Mme. T].
Traduction: Les Miserables Soundtrack. La Chorale de mariage.
Traduction: Les Misérables. La Chorale de mariage / mendiants au festin.
Traduction: BO Newsies. Seize The Day (Chorale).
Traduction: Robert Shaw Chorale. Yo Ho Ho (Et une bouteille de rhum).