Slither to sea, speakin' in tongues Deft as a surgeon's knife, carvin' through bone Pregnant with doubt, you figured out Tricks of the trade to make
Sliver to see speaking in tongues deft as a surgeon's knife cloven through bone pregnant with doubt you figured out tricks of the trade to make a whisper
Traduction: Cold War Kids. Enceintes.
Slither to sea speakin' in tongues Deft as a surgeon's knife Carvin' through bone Pregnant with doubt You figured out Tricks of the trade to make whispers
t righteous either He a fiend on the low shootin' blow with Meeka Yeah it's a crazy world, see how a baby curl When there's crack in the pregnant stomach
for war In a loincloth, my turn to grab a hold of the conch The time is upon us, in God we trust Like a pregnant teen on the bus, nigga all eyes on us