long We are gonna catch the bus into the town We are boogie on down... CHORUS: Dig that groove ba-a-by (repeat) Dig dig dig dig digga that groove baby
Traduction: Toy Dolls. Dig That Groove Baby.
Well it's one for the money, two for the show, Three to get ready now go cat go, But don't you step on my blue suede shoes, You can do anything but keep
long We are gonna catch the bus into the town We are boogie on down... [Chorus:] Dig that groove ba-a-by (repeat) Dig dig dig dig digga that groove baby
, he says he's lucky, That he can smile and be happy... [Chorus:] Dougy, Dougy, Giro, Dougy, Dougy, Giro. People say that he's not worthy Of clothes, that shows that
can't be that bad, if I had a baby, [Chorus] Glenda went round to the doctors the next day, You can't have a baby, that's what he said, Glenda did not
Oh no!!! [Chorus] Oh! If you do get a backache Backache backache! And you feel you have to reach for the first aid tin Think! Life is not that bad with
To Bombay a travelling circus came, they brought an Inteligent elephant and Nellie was her name One dark night she slipped her iron chain And off she
There was Davey, there was Davey, There was Davey, Happy Davey His girlfriend's gone, his girlfriend's gone away, ay ay ay ay... All he wants is a room
meet me? No chance. I was going to land her a thump when I see her you see She's forgotten about me. It was well past midnight she still dug the groove
be mellow, Stay cool, stay free and then you will see, It's best to stay mellow... I was upset and in debt with no money, But I did not stay sad, it's not that
it flat No matter how I tried, And when it looked me in the eye I ran away to hide... I put on me Doctor Martin shoes A battle with the spider that I
All our mates that we once knew said they were happy, Always shouting in the street, just like you and me, Always finding laughter, fun and games to
It's not the first time somebody has ahd the flu, Remember when you had toothache... A hot lemsip will help the sneezing so, You will have to stay happy