in the dark! Night vision! Come and see me in the dark! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision
me in the dark! Night vision! Come and see me in the dark! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision! Night Vision
flights [Rick Ross] I live by the cold war drove from round the globe all I need is a kilo, a apron, show me the stove general electric, perfected, cooking
to the money straight flights I live by the cold war drove from round the globe all I need is a kilo, a apron, show me the stove general electric, perfected
money straight flights [Rick Ross] I live by the cold war drove from round the globe all I need is a kilo, a apron, show me the stove general electric
do some more now And they probably will And they probably will Ooh! I wish this song was louder! Ooh! I wish this song was louder! One night I had a vision
[Rick Ross] I live by the cold war drove from round the globe all I need is a kilo, a apron, show me the stove general electric, perfected, cooking
to satellites Now y'all can see what Heaven is like To make seven thousand trillion elements a night Call it the greatest our day the lessons at night
Rick Ross] I live by the cold war drove from round the globe all I need is a kilo, a apron, show me the stove general electric, perfected, cooking them