Autour de la table de premiere communion La famille est rassemblee Et le grand-pere, rougissant d'emotion S'est soudain mis a chanter Y en a qui boivent
I'm doing this and I'm doing that And I'm a-walking the floor I drink a little of this and eat a little that And poke my head out the door I get thinking
Previously unreleased Recorded 5/16/67 Brian Wilson No Lyrics
Time: 1:51 Irving Music, Inc. BMI Master #58687 Brian Wilson/Mike Love I'm doing this and I'm doing that And I'm a-walking the floor I drink a little
En France il y a Paris La ville lumiere L'Angleterre c'est Londres Il pleut sur le Big Ben L'Italie il y a Rome Et sa tour de Pise La Grece c'est Atene
Now we take our time, so nonchalant And spend our nights so bon vivant We dress our days in silken robes The money comes The money goes We know it's all
I met him in a crowded room Where people go to drink away their gloom He sat me down and so began The story of a charmless man Educated the expensive
{Elle:} Depuis le temps que je brode Sans relache mon trousseau J'en ai vu passer des modes J'en ai tordu des ciseaux Helas je ne peux plus mettre Mes
When the sun is burning out And the night is pouring in Now is the time to run, run boy Now is the time to hide There's nobody out on the beach There
Quand je la croisai l'autre soir, C'etait vers minuit, rue d'Athenes La voyant seule qui se promene, Je lui dis : Mon enfant, bonsoir J'ajoutai : A cette
Verse One - Wanya Lying here With my arms above my head Hungry for your love Waiting to be fed Your body speaks to mine And I understood every word
I know that it's late and I really must leave you alone But you're too good to hold that I feel such a long way from home Yes I know that our love is
Lovely city, when do you laugh? Stoney people, what do you have? Well, you ride around on a bright shiny cloud and you think that you've found true happiness