And they met when they were young With one thing in common Two big city kids lost in a stupid world Of egoistic boys and lying little girls And he knows
and of my generation we are all the enemy so chose your battles well opposition will only betray us I rise above for the city of lost children valuable
it quickly grab you And equalizes the pitch up, until it have you Bugged out, tryin' to think you can match this The portrait's too graphic Panoramic view for you
did you know? What did you care? What did you know? What did you care? What did you know? What did you care? What did you know? What did you care? Anarchy
, no gunboats reached our shores But you kids can climb the tower and look out across the harbor And imagine being lookouts for the enemy at war But you
obliderated cities are the... monuments to genocide welcome to the century of paradise and unity, where bullets are the bible, and everyone's the enemy
quickly grab you And equalizes the pitch up, until it have you Bugged out, tryin' to think you can match this The portrait's too graphic Panoramic view for you
to kill As the destruction that I reveal like revelations Drop Jews like parables That can't be seen with the eye like constellations You're lost in
you know? What did you care? What did you know? What did you care? What did you know? What did you care? What did you know? What did you care? Anarchy
(Sick Jacken) We place the O in the soldier, wear the mask for the psycho clique My name embedded in the game like a microchip You hear the name and you
Sick Jacken) We place the O in the soldier, wear the mask for the psycho clique My name embedded in the game like a microchip You hear the name and you
to live with this I could've had you in the bank now you lost your rank you gotta blame only yourself, yourself to think yo, you know me I hate to have
the answer, with extra compression When sound travel, it quickly grab you and equalizes the pitch up, until it have you Bugged out, tryin to think you
aim to kill As the destruction that I reveal like revelations Drop Jews like parables that can't be seen with the eye like constellations You're lost