baby He made my heart sang [Chorus:] Oooh oooh oooh, aaah aaah aaah He made my heart sang Oooh oooh oooh, aaah aaah aaah He made my heart sang Oooh oooh oooh, aaah aaah aaah He
He made my heart sang [Chorus:] Oooh oooh oooh, aaah aaah aaah He made my heart sang Oooh oooh oooh, aaah aaah aaah He made my heart sang Oooh oooh oooh, aaah aaah aaah He
and the shuffle of feet his voice it carried over the trees he sang for his children he sang for his home and he sang for me though he didn't know oh
Now the greenest green I've ever seen Was the grass on which you laid And the bluest blue was in my eyes When you said you couldn't stay And the biggest
Il est venu pour la moisson. C'etait un fort et beau garcon Aux yeux calins, aux levres dures. Tout en moissonnant, il chantait Et, dans sa voix, l'on
Mi campesina prodigiosa, mi pan silvestre, mi granero, mi zarzamora polvorienta, mi roble anoso, mi potrero, mis cinco puntos cardinales, mi rueda dura
Que restera-t-il sur la terre Dans cinquante ans On empoisonne les rivieres Les oceans On mange des hydrocarbures Que sais-je encore Le Rhone charrie
Just beyond my windowpane, I saw you Walking in the rain away from me Visions of your future lay before you You are free I saw you in the company of
all the angels sing of the joy he brings with a star so bright So come see Mary?s sweet baby And let our praises ring to the newborn king while he sleeps
Verse 3: Eminem] Let's pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen, Let's pretend things would have been no diff-er-ent, Pretend he procrastinated had no motivation, Pretend he
Man took his first moon ride Genius masterminds Gonquered changing times And thought he'd done everything When he walked on the moon, they sang Here
What's my name? Uncle James family rest in peace [Verse 1:] I grew up in a house with my mother Didn't have my punk asss father Cuz he felt it was his
Et c'est un mec de plus qui pose boum boum c'est pour les freres si tu as le sang chaud, leve ton bras en l'air c'est pour tout ces jeunes dans ta caisse
How It Goes Man Come On I Just A Rappa Ternt Sanga Man (What You Is Dog) I'm A Rappa Ternt Sanga (What You Is Dog) I'm A Rappa Ternt Sanga Man Don'