fuckin' nasty! I'm a pirate on the streets of C-California Movin' and cruisin', we're boozin' all night to the mornin' So from dust 'till dawn, you know Undead
Undead! Undead! Undead! Undead! Undead! You better get up out the way, Tomorrow we'll rise so let's fight today, You know, I don't give a fuck what you
on some scene gear. Gotta get drunk before my mom wakes up. Break up with my girlfriend so i can bang sluts. I'm undead unfed, been sleeping on bunk
Hollywood we're never going down [x3] [Chorus:] And all the kids in the hood come and wave and shake your hands, Hollywood we're never going down. When
I loved you, you made me, hate me. You gave me hate see? It saved me and these tears are deadly. You feel that? I rip back, every time you tried to steal
I'm holding on so tightly now. My insides scream so loud. They keep watching, watching me drown. How did it come to this? How did it come to this? How
I'm holding on so tightly now My insides scream so loud They keep watching, watching me drown How did it come to this? How did it come to this? How did
Undead Undead Undead Undead Undead You better get up out the way Tomorrow'll rise so let's fight today You know I don't give a fuck what you think or
?s get fuckin' nasty I'm a pirate on the streets of California Movin' and cruisin', we're boozin' all night to the mornin' So from dust 'till dawn, you know Undead
Traduction: Hollywood Undead. Simple Living.
: Undead! Undead! Undead! Undead! Undead! You better get up out the way, Tomorrow we'll rise so let's fight today, You know, I don't give a fuck what