Adieu la pluie, adieu la nuit Je ne vis plus qu'en plein soleil Fini l'hiver, c'etait hier Aujourd'hui le printemps s'eveille Adieu le noir, le desespoir
Pourquoi dire adieu? Tu reviendras Tu dois partir Mais ca ne change rien pour nous Ton avenir peut bien t'entrainer loin de tout Pour toi Chaque instant
Ya ya ya ya Ya ya ya ya Ya ya ya ya Ya ya ya ya Tout l'amour que j'ai pour toi Est brulant comme un feu Il est grand et plein d'eclats C'est si bon d
Have you heard of the saying for those who are playing You don?t know what you?ve got till it?s gone Well that was my calling, I knew I was falling Into
Repic : Boudu boudu boudu con Baudis descends de ton balcon Arresta ton charradis Come on, every Baudis Baudis t?es jeune et beau Tu ressembles a James
Tu prova ad avere un mondo nel cuore e non riesci ad esprimerlo con le parole, e la luce del giorno si divide la piazza tra un villaggio che ride e te
Eccomi con questa faccia da spaccone guardami con questo passo da spaccone picchiami tu perdi tempo a fare il santone svegliati quando ogni donna sogna
There There used to be a time You could hurt me. Make me cry Made me hate myself And now I cried these tears and gathered all my pride I needed to move
Na na ni, oohh na na now, haha yeah [Chorus:] We're in it from morning to night, someones always going down now, im feeling the shots, the dealers the
Touchdown Ready for some action So cool Got the whole summer to burn It's so It's so easy when you are Far from home and all alone Uptown Trying hard
(feat. Sparo) E' una giornata tipo raccontata in un riassunto e il sonno che si spezza alle sei e mezza in punto la radio-sveglia sul como fa partire
Can you hear the music playing Can you feel the rhythm swaying This is the sound of dreams come true And I can promise you that You are the one and only
Non c?e la luce senza l?oscurita non c?e immaginazione senza realta non c?e l?assoluta grandezza della tua presenza senza il vuoto completo che mi lascia
If every day could be Christmas What a wonderful world this would be We could carry this feeling within us All through the year (All through the year)
Mai, mai, mai piu t'amero cosi tanto per tutta la vita. Mai, mai, mai piu sapro darti il mio cuore come quel di. E tu sai, bimba mia che impazzivo soltanto
REFRAIN Chaque jour qui passe, j'entends les sornettes, hors d'ta bouche qui m'lassent Qui me laissent un gout amer, j'pleure pas sur mon sort, lache
Every guy needs a girl like you, Every girl needs a guy like me, oh yeah Every guy needs a guy like you, like you See cause that's how it's meant to
All the back roads, all the highways Distance countries that I've passed through Every Path has lead me back to you Every Path has lead me back to you