die Legende sagt War dies des Vaters sich'rer Tod Now that all silence was disturbed The Ground, as red as autumn leafs Father Frost, the last they feel
i shake it Your standing adjacent to Jason's last slut, They're facing Together makes 'em, a fuckin' bad combination I lashed at the doctor in my last
maybe the last time And you breathe for a long time Then you howl like a wolf in a trap And you daren't look behind You fall to the ground like a leaf
are gone now Changed like a leaf on a tree Blown away forever Into the cool autumn breeze The snow has now fallen And my sun's not so bright I
gone now [02:40] Changed like a leaf on a tree Blown away forever Into the cool autumn breeze The snow has now fallen And i know where i stand All of
He got her drunk very quickly: holding hands they found the broom cupboard where he had control as far as the fall, the rasping descent of her tights
John Carder Bush : "He got her drunk very quickly. Holding hands, they found the broom-cupboard, Where he had control as far as the fall, When his
VERSE 1 Waiting for the last leaf to fall Can I hear a cry for a dead man to crawl Asleep like stones in the well Empty as you leave your dry sea shell
exstacy We wanna kick like we used 2, sign up on the dotted line We're gonna dance every dance like it's gonna be the last time We got 2 play in
And never seen the undisclosed foreign arms dealer, 13-year-old killer, he look 35, He changed his name to Little No-Man-Survive, When he smoke that leaf
Long Beach Boulevard I only rides with my Doggs, and I don't give a fuck about none of y'all, I'm ridin til the wheels fall off I only rides with my Doggs
I dreamed about killing you again last night And it felt alright to me Dying on the banks of Embarcadero skies I sat and watched you bleed Buried you
Well my life is in Thy hands oh Lord I give it all to Thee And until death I carry on till the last leaf shall fall from the tree Well I came to Jesus
ve been places I can barely talk about Sunny days that died away in tears Tumbling like a leaf out on the sea of doubt I've seen nights that seem to last
flies I used to see a home boy givin' five Now I say, "Man, you're still alive?" Cold as hell, the town I'm from Won't last too long when you're fakin
baby up, 'fore I shake it You're standing adjacent to Jason's last slut, they're facing Together makes 'em a fucking bad combination I lashed at the doctor in my last