Le train charrie les fourmis travailleuses Carte orange correspondance routeuse La chair se vend pour des dollars Chacun sa place chacun sa part Radio
suis le fils maudit de la generation Du surgele, de la television Rien qu?une fonction de consommateur Un probleme de plus pour le courrier du c?ur Et je reve devant les
Vendra la guerra, amor, y en el combate no habra tregua ni freno para el canto sino poesia haciendo incontenible del canon, de fusiles libertarios. Vendra
Vendra la guerra, amor, y en el combate no habra tregua ni freno para el canto sino poesia haciendo incontenible del canon, de fusiles libertarios.
Non fiction don't believe me that chances I have to take betrayal at its best is always second guessed Try I am healing the pressure so give me a reason
please abuse me with fists perfectly formed. bite off my tongue so i wont say a word (the anger dulls your beauty - the alcohol washes it completely away
Non fiction don't believe The chances I have to take Betrayal at its best is always second guessed Try I am hating The pressure so give me a reason now
[music: Mike, Stefan / lyrics: Bastian / guit. solo: Stefan] Maimed, killed, stabbed Slain, shot, sliced Hung, burnt, chopped Multiple ways to die Once
catching up in the basement that i call home. dismantling discussions on a piss soaked telephone. i'm all grown up. i've thrown up these feelings lots
Dead Body Disposal Remix!! Get Rid Of bodies bodies bodies bodies Get Rid Of bodies bodies bodies bodies Get Rid Of bodies bodies bodies bodies Brand
You tell lies When the truth will do You are the social chameleon What on earth we gonna do with you Slip your neck into a rope Show me a smile You'd
Forced deep into the separated cranium of a crusty used up slut: my gigantic rod. Swollen member penetrating her now empty eye sockets, and all other
Only tools and corpses in an easy game I find live people and I play with them I love a scaloel or a stitch or too And the way they cry as the needles
Nur ich der Einsamste Im Gluck versinkt Zauber der Liebe Mir entgegen stinkt Sie keimt und regt sich fein An meiner Brust Bis aufs Blut gepeitscht Im