les ignobles perversions De ce monde ou tout ne se base Que sur la consommation. Que maintes oreilles et yeux se penchent et pretent attention A ma miserable
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? Quem partonum rogaturus, cum vix justus sit securus?
! [Chorus:] He's Mister White Christmas He's Mister Snow [Snow Miser:] That's right! [Chorus:] He's Mister Icicle He's Mister Ten Below [Snow Miser:] Friends call me Snow Miser
saoul Il m'appelait par le pouce Dans la main Une trousse d'employe Sa silhouette se reflete Dans la pluie de la place De la Bastille C'est la misere
eyes You'll see... Pera menora infano lia Misere mani Doven anore infane lia Misere manio Doven anore infane lia Misero omane Pera menora infane lia You'll see... Doven anore Misere
(Time has passed. Suggest Marius convalescing, encouraged by Cosette who takes his arm as he walks with firmer step) COSETTE Every day You walk with
(Enjolras is addressing the revolutionaries) ENJOLRAS Here upon these stones We will build our barricade In the heart of the city We claim as our own
EPONINE Don't you fret, M'sieur Marius I don't feel any pain A little fall of rain Can hardly hurt me now You're here, that's all I need to know And you
(Valjean is standing over Marius at the barricade) VALJEAN God on high Hear my prayer In my need You have always been there He is young He's afraid
[Young Cosette is working as a drudge in the Thenardier's inn at Montfermeil] [YOUNG COSETTE] There is a castle on a cloud, I like to go there in my
[JAVERT] Valjean, at last, We see each other plain `M'sieur le Mayor,' You'll wear a different chain! [VALJEAN] Before you say another word, Javert Before
(Thenardier is picking through the corpses in the sewers) THENARDIER Here's a hint of gold Stuck into a tooth Pardon me M'sieur You won't be needing
(Marius, recovering from his wounds, imagines he is back at the ABC cafe) MARIUS There's a grief that can't be spoken. There's a pain goes on and on.
[Fantine is lying in a hospital bed, deliriously dreaming of her daughter Cosette] [FANTINE] Cosette, it's turned so cold Cosette, it's past your bedtime
[Fantine is left alone, unemployed and destitute] [FANTINE] There was a time when men were kind When their voices were soft And their words inviting
GAVROCHE Liar! Good evening, dear inspector Lovely evening, my dear. I know this man, my friends His name is Inspector Javert So don't believe a word
(Cosette stands in her garden on Rue Plumet) COSETTE How strange This feeling that my life's begun at last This change, Can people really fall in love
1832. The teeming, squalid streets of Paris. Beggars, urchins, prostitutes, students, etc. BEGGARS Look down and see the beggars at your feet Look down