And they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee For Thou Lord have not forsaken those that seek Thee I will praise Thee O Lord I will sing praise
me Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Whom in heaven but Thee? Repeat Chorus (with stepouts) Don't leave me, Lord, no, no, no (Do not pass me by) I
come unto me So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproaches me For I trust in thy word!" O Lord of the North Your punishment I accept and become
shall i slumber. I hath heeded your cries specter of hell.. I know of your plight for i have seen it upon your mind. As now i summon my liege!" With
stygian council in throes of despair Speak thee of terms to war Seraphic lords and cherubim gather on golden chair Speak thee to terms of life Expanse
most high God [x4] [The Phanatik] I gets meticulously reckless when I'm splittin' beats in half Fast to take a blood bath so I don't meet with wrath
Come forth! Wash me in the glare of thy shameless perfection. Violent prayers, roaring psalms, I have no voice but that of homage for Thee, Yes, my doubt
mist I'm frisked bout three times a day, What I'm doing down here, nigga this where I stay I just pray, that I relay, a message to some And let them
judgment And they that know thy name will put thy trust in thee For thou Lord have not forsaken those that seek thee I will praise thee O Lord I will