s son, Everyone is asleep, the pair together. The most faithful pair, watching with hope A little baby, a mild and gentle child. Christ, calmly asleep. Christ
game, why the fuck will I starr Im the franchize nigga, Chris fucking Paul Empty out the caNNON hit ya bitch you the truck and AR With drop twohundred
mma levitate his body to the sky until he?s homies with Christ Don?t even fuck around, son is a goon Son is bipolar, alcoholic, son is consumed I breathe
know anyone Well, Jesus Christ, I'm alone again So what did You do those three days You were dead? 'Cuz this problem's gonna last More than the weekend Well, Jesus Christ
Was hast du denn davon, wenn du nur nein sagst zu mir, was hats du denn davon, wenn du so lang ?berlegst. Du rufst nie an. Du gehst nie aus. Dein Blick
simh. Christ, calmly asleep. Crost, 'na chodhladh go simh. Christ, calmly asleep. Oche chiin, oche Mhic D, Silent night, night of God's son. Aoir ar
chodhladh go séimh. [Christ, calmly asleep.] Oíche chiúin, oíche Mhic Dé, [Silent night, night of God's son.] Aoirí ar
seimh. Christ, calmly asleep. Criost, 'na chodhladh go seimh. Christ, calmly asleep. Oiche chiuin, oiche Mhic De, Silent night, night of God's son
go séimh. [Christ, calmly asleep.] Oíche chiúin, oíche Mhic Dé, [Silent night, night of God's son.] Aoirí ar
heaven afar Heavenly hosts singing Alleluia Christ the Savior is born Christ the Savior is born Hallelujah, hallelu Hallelujah, hallelu Hallelujah, hallelu Silent night, holy night Son