problems and a mason's ring Oh, Mr Robinson And his quango Drinks with generals and county wives The family business is doing alright They're doing tangos
I lie to these niggas that I came up with that?s my team, never would I let a woman come between what we doing right now this our dream, Wu Tang Clan
Suite Et puis un soir comme ca, pour eviter l'ennui On decide de se separer. Anastasie l'ennui m'anesthesie La morale de ce tango, tout a fait utopique
t be Chris, Or a Public Enemy with a black power fist. No Queen Latifa, no Will Smith either, There would only be tight jeans, tight suits and black sneakers. No Tango
remplace le "Bip bi lip", Ca fait "Whooo". C'est quoi ce trip? Soit les piles sont cuites, Soit c'est l'asile de suite, Je lis "Wooo", sur l'ecran de
love [Kanye West] Last name West and my teeth Diamonds she said yo wish ya could place your crazy rhyming listen to Wu Tang trying crazy suits on (?)
mommy is we just friends so she can?t Clyde Bonnie us fly walls down in the fly halls come to the master suite leave every piece in the masterhall all
Issu des annees 80 Laisse-moi te dire d'ou je viens C'est le debut d'un grand changement On parle en verlan, on suit tous le mouvement A cette epoque,
, rmi, stick. Drapeau, tango avec le diable. HLM : 18 etages, H&M : 18 petasses. Arts et metiers rares et physique, pales et livides que suit l?betail
ciel est beau, je squatte en solo Sur un banc public pres de Campo Formio Je pense a L?SOS issu de mon esprit "Allo papa tango Charly" Le pere
continue sans arrets. J'ai mal au coeur aucun morceau ne nous refera cet effet. Et puis changement de cap spirituel Honnaroble, la suite logique a la suite
euros (RR : a ouai!?) 60 000 euros d'ardoise a recuperer RR: Quoi t'es serieux la? Vas-y demarre la caisse on va les che-cher tout de suite Baba :
Sneak through the wood works like poisonous high fumes I'm that superhero with the brand new costume "Wu-Tang!" "Wu-Tang!" "Wu-Tang!" "Wu-Tang!"
Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang (Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang) "Oh baby, for heavens sake" Sir I, Excalibur "Oh baby, for heavens sake" (Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang, Wu, Tang
million of useful land [All] It's Yourz! [RZA] The seed and the black wo-man [All] It's Yourz! [RZA] Double LP from Wu-Tang Clan [All] It's Yourz! (2X
[Intro:] Wu-Tang Holocaust punishment Yo, yo, yo, yo Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo [Verse 1:] From the hills of the Pacific I bring fury and anger
what I wanna hear right?" "Whatchu wanna hear? I wanna hear that Wu-Tang joint" "Wu-Tang again?" "Ahh yeah, again and again!" [*sounds of fighting*] [RZA] Wu-Tang
[Intro:] Wu-Tang Holocaust punishment Yo, yo, yo, yo Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo [Verse 1:] From the hills of the Pacific I bring fury