And I just want to wish everybody, good luck Mr. Bloom, hasn't anyone ever told you It's bad luck to say, "Good luck" on opening night If you do, I tell
Thanks for coming to see our show Sad to tell you we got to go Grab your hat and head for the door In case you didn't notice, there ain't any more! If
The urge to merge can rob us of our senses The need to breed can make a man a drone We must be on alert with our defenses For every skirt will test testosterone
Your honor when I was in Rio And had everything I'd ever dreamed of I suddenly realized that this man, this man No one every made me feel like someone
Poor Bialy, what a loser Poor Bialy, goodbye fame Such reviews! How dare they insult me in this manner? How quickly they forget I am max Bialystock The first producer
So we hop our hops und we clop our clops Und we drink our Schnapps 'til we plotz Vunderbar, gentlemen, I like your dancing Thank you, you may produce
Oh, how I miss thee hills and dales And vales and trails of old Bavaria Oh, it's such bliss to kiss the Miss I miss Like this in old Bavaria Oh, the
To see me in this role I wanna be a producer With a hit show on Broadway I wanna be a producer Lunch at Sardi's every day I wanna be a producer Sport
"Mail call! Here ya go, Bialystok, ya got a postcard" "A postcard? From where?" "Brazil" "Brazil? Who do I know in Brazil?" Dear Max, "Rio is everything
ULLA: Ven you got it, flaunt it Step right up and strut your stuff People tell you modesty's a virtue But in the theater modesty can hurt you Ven you
we can do it This is not the time to shirk We can do it, you won't rue it Say goodbye to petty clerk Hi, Producer, yes, Producer I mean you, sir, go
{Look at these reviews A satiric masterpiece No way out A surprise smash! No way out It was shocking, outrageous, insulting And I loved every minute of
were rotten The book was stinkin' What he did to Shakespeare Booth did to Lincoln We couldn't leave faster, what a disaster We are still in shock Who produced
Traduction: Canibus. Producteurs Stupid.
Traduction: Gumby producteurs. Gumby Theme Song.
Traduction: Kasenetz-Katz Chant Orchestre du Cirque. Producteurs Nouveau.
Traduction: Nick Cave et les Bad Seeds. Producteurs Stupid.
Traduction: Producteurs. The End.