Elisa Tovati Il nous faut du temps Des insomnies Des engueulades Des retrouvailles A la bougie Il nous faut du vent Un peu de pluie De longues balades
A veces sientes al pensar que Dios te ha abandonado no tienes voz para gritar que has fallado cuando te das cuenta que te tienes que marchar de aqui
A volte sembra che anche dio ti abbia abbandonato e non hai voce per gridare che hai sbagliato quando ti convinci che sarebbe meglio andare via A volte
(by The Strokes) Leave me alone I'm in control, I'm in control And girls act too much and boys act too tough Enough is enough We're on the minds of
Tell me what you wanted to hear Let me do the right thing Let me do the wrong thing And if it's ever this clear I will only say it once Just let me turn
know where we've been. Let's sail away disappearing in the mist. Let's sail away with a whisper and a kiss or vanish from a road somewhere like Tereza and Tomas
Pick up your pants girl! We're not drunk enough to get it on. I need viagra! Cause you're too ugly to turn me on. I saw your picture. My Myspace has never
C'est vraiment ici que je voulais finir Sous un soleil qui n'en finit pas Ici je deviens l'homme que j'aurais voulu devenir Et a vrai dire je ne crois
Preacher Tom, your friends are many And your good deeds are a plenty And I know that God is plenty proud of you Cause you've directed your attention Towards
See it, do you believe it, you can take it, or leave it. Take you on a rockin stroll, dig yourself a deeper hole. Lookin high but feelin low, pray to
{Couplet1:} D'son grand-pere et d'son pere, Thomas avait herite, Les moustaches hereditaires qu'il avait deja bebe. A l'age de jouer aux billes, ca
(feat. Wooh da Kid) [Hook] I'm so mothafuckin turned up right now (volume) Someone please turn Gucci mane down (volume) Bricksquad thugged out we don
J'adore manger d'la paella Ainsi que d'la pizza Mais je fais "ronron" D'vant un gros poisson Oui c'est moi le beau ... Si vous etes desire Thomas O'Malley
Non e mica un funerale man it's easy sfoderami un paio dei tuoi migliori sorrisi non ti chiedo di farmi capriole all'heter parisi so che quelli come me
Tiens, comme un rien Je reviens d'assez loin Pour te voir, pour etre bien Chaque endroit me pousse vers toi Tiens, comme un chien Je croise ton chemin
Lalalalalala x6 Vi ar forlorare jag och du ingen av oss vagar tala ut ingen av oss sager vad vi kanner star vi har men vi ar bara vanner finns inga vinnare
I have waited impatient on your return I have tossed and turned, every step you take And the sun goes down now, and the dance turns over And it deepens