can't say "yes", I can't say "no" to you. I wait for her to conquer me again. I can't say "yes", I can't say "no" to you.
I can't say yes, I can't say no to you I wait for the night to conquer me again I can't say yes, I can't say no to you
again I can't say yes, I can't say no to you I wait for the night to conquer me again I can't say yes, I can't say no to you
Traduction: Wired. Je peux pas dire non (pour vous).
here People always say life is full of choices No one ever mentions fear Or how the world can seem so long Or how the world can seem so vast Courage
But dissing you because of your looks is too easy You can't help that you a Keebler elf, "Mr. Be Yourself" You should see yourself I saw that DVD man I can't
You're alone for maybe the last time And you breathe for a long time Then you howl like a wolf in a trap And you daren't look behind You fall to the
Heart, don't fail me now! Courage, don't desert me! Don't turn back now that we're here. People always say Life is full of choices. No one ever mentions
not new. You have seen This entertainment thru & thru. You've seen your birth, your life & death; you might recall all of the rest -- (did you have a
show you, and it'll show you once again that . . . A Mountain is something You don't wanna fuck with You don't wanna fuck with Don't fuck around (Don
; I'd let you go away, if you take me with you. Don't you know, Dindi, I'd be running and searching for you like a river that can't find the sea, that
When an irresistible force such as you Meets an old immovable object like me You can bet just as sure as you live Somethin's gotta give Somethin's gotta
's not with you, then? FIRMIN Of course not! ANDRE We're in the dark . . . RAOUL Monsieur, don't argue - Isn't this the letter you wrote? FIRMIN And what
and say hotep And this beat is suh'thin that you can't recover up from You better a-joinin the force because we can't be done Listen, we on this mission
Somethings gotta give When an irresistible force such as you Meets and old immovable object like me You can bet as sure as you live Something's gotta