Traduction: 150 des plus belles chansons jamais. Memories Of You. Blame It On My Youth. Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin '.
Traduction: 150 des plus belles chansons jamais. Blame It On My Youth. Candle In The Wind. Fly Me to the Moon.
Traduction: Le Real Book - Volume II - CD-ROM Deuxième Édition. Blame It on My Youth. Fly Me to the Moon. Memories Of You.
Traduction: Le Real Book - Volume II - Mini Édition. Memories Of You. Speak Like A Child. A Walkin 'Thing. A Ballad.
Traduction: Le Real Book - Volume 2. Fly Me to the Moon. Memories Of You. Speak Like A Child. A Walkin 'Thing.
Traduction: Le Real Book - Volume II. Memories Of You. Speak Like A Child. A Walkin 'Thing. A Ballad. Sippin A Bells.
Traduction: Le Real Book - Volume II. Memories Of You. A Ballad. Sippin A Bells. Blues In The Closet.