Traduction: La chanson folklorique Fake Book - C Edition. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Soldat, soldat, Will You Marry Me. I Had A Coq.
Traduction: Paroles. Somebody to Love. Your Mama ne dansent pas. You Belong To Me. Love Me Tomorrow.
Traduction: L'Hymne Fake Book - C Edition. Demandez-vous ce que Great Thing I Know. Que Wondrous Love Is This. Down At The Cross.
Traduction: De l'Evangile plus grand. Son oeil est sur le moineau. Bénisse son saint nom. Sweeter As The Days Go By.
Traduction: De l'Evangile plus grand. Bénisse son saint nom. Peut-il, peut-il, aurait-il, at-il. Champion Of Love.
Traduction: All I Ask Of You. Careless Love. Children of Darkness. City of New Orleans. Coming Home to You.
Traduction: Fake Book des chansons préférées du monde - C Instruments - 4ème édition. I Had A Coq. Careless Love. Dark Eyes.
Traduction: Rise Up Singing - Le groupe de chant Songbook. All I Ask Of You. Careless Love. Children of Darkness.
Traduction: La Boîte à Companion. Your Song. I Saw The Light. I Need You. What I Got. Rhythm Of Love.
Traduction: Mammoth Collection de Ryan de Fiddle Tunes. Fixer la perruque sur son Jig. My Love Is On The Ocean Reel. Partition violon.
Traduction: The Ultimate Pays Fake Book - 5e édition. Tant que je suis Rockin 'With You. Le Battle Hymn Of Love. Big City.