Traduction: Bartok - Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs Op. 20.
Traduction: Bartok .-. Piano-Works.
Traduction: Bela Bartok. Piano.
Traduction: Plan.
Traduction: Chanson folklorique hongroise. Partitions de Bela Bartok. Piano Solo.
Traduction: Quatre Hungarian Folksongs. From the Four Hungarian Folksongs , Bartok's The Prisoner is written for mixed chorus.
Traduction: Hongroise. Novato Music Press. Piano Solo.
Traduction: Partitions. This version is the revised corrected edition, the extant sources and the existing edition having been compared again in full.
Traduction: Partitions. Voix, Accompagnement Piano. Voix, Piano.
Traduction: Partitions. Piano Solo. PF. Arrangé pour piano solo.
Traduction: A wonderful collection of Bela Bartok's Hungarian Folk Melodies arranged for Violin and Cello. Mélodies hongroises Folk.