Traduction: Partitions vocales.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet. Langue. 1-18, 29.
Traduction: Feuille principale musique.
Traduction: Tota Pulcra Est 3. Canticum Canticorum du chapitre 4, versets 2 7. Sacré, Motet. Langue. SAT.
Traduction: Veni dans Hortum meum. John Cross. Sacré, Motet. Langue. Setting of part of the Song of Solomon.
Traduction: Quam pulchra es un 6. Canticorum Canticum chapitre 7, versets 6 à 9. Sacré, Motet. Langue.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet. Langue. Latin. SATTB. Song of Songs. Songs of Solomon - Chapter 2 - Verses 10 through 13.
Traduction: Trahe me posterai te. Sacré, Motet. Langue. Latin. SATTB. Song of Songs. Songs of Solomon' - Chapter 2 - Verse 3.
Traduction: a cappella , but in the Bassano edition, also. Sacré, Motet. Langue. Latin. SAATB. Song of Songs.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet. Langue. Latin. SATTB. Song of Songs. Songs of Solomon' - Chapter 3 - Verse 2.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet. Langue. Latin. SATTB. Song of Songs. Songs of Solomon - Chapter 1 - Verses 10 through 12.
Traduction: Osculetur moi. Sacré, Motet. Langue. SATTB.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet. Langue. Latin. SATTB.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet. Langue. Latin. SSATB. Song of Songs. Songs of Solomon' - Chapter 7 - Verse 3 through 5.
Traduction: Quam Pulchri sunt. Sacré, Motet. Langue. Latin. SSATB. Song of Songs. Songs of Solomon' - Chapter 7 - Verse 1 through 2.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet. Langue. SATTB. Song of Songs. Songs of Solomon '.
Traduction: Tota Pulchra es. Sacré, Motet. Langue. Latin. SATTB. Song of Songs. Songs of Solomon' - Chapter 4 - Verses 7 through 8.