Traduction: Stand Up et bénir le Seigneur. I Belong To The King. A Child Of The King. Prenez ma vie et Let It Be. Divers.
Traduction: Stand Up et bénir le Seigneur. I Belong To The King. A Child Of The King. Prenez ma vie et Let It Be. Rouge.
Traduction: De l'Evangile plus grand. Shall We Gather à la rivière. We Shall porter une couronne. Going Home. Lift Him Up.
Traduction: De l'Evangile plus grand. Père Lift Me Up. Going Home. Ciel Came Down And Glory rempli mon âme. Here We Are.
Traduction: Crown Him roi. Going Home. Child Of The King. Ciel sera sûrement Worth It All. Swing Down Chariot.