Traduction: L'Hymne Fake Book - C Edition. O Come Et Pleurez avec moi pendant quelque temps. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Divers.
Traduction: Commerce. Chandos Anthem n ° 8, O come chantons au Seigneur - 1. Chandos Anthem n ° 8, O come chantons au Seigneur - 2.
Traduction: Louange et d'adoration Songbook - CD-Rom Édition. Freedom Song. Come, Emmanuel. Come On In. Come Into My Life.
Traduction: Praise and Worship Songbook - édition originale. Come, Emmanuel. Come On In. Come Into My Life. Le Roi Has Come.
Traduction: Freedom Song. Come, Emmanuel. Come Into My Life. Come And Fill Me Up. Le Roi Has Come. Come On In.
Traduction: Praise and Worship Songbook - Édition du chanteur. Freedom Song. Come, Emmanuel. Come Into My Life. Come On In.