Traduction: God Of gloire éternelle. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. This Is mondiale de Mon Père. What Child Is This.
Traduction: The Ultimate Pays Fake Book - 5e édition. Le Battle Hymn Of Love. Big Bad John. Bye Bye Love.
Traduction: Ruisseau. Et ils crièrent encore plus fort:. Mr. Big et forte Konig. Grandes œuvres chorales Vocal Scores. Version 2.0.
Traduction: Sacred Songs. Erwage comment son blutgefarbter de St. John Passion. Sanctus fortis de The Dream of Gerontius. Divers.
Traduction: Careless Love. Day Is Done. Day Is Dying In The West. God Bless the Grass. God Bless The Moon.
Traduction: Rise Up Singing - Le groupe de chant Songbook. Careless Love. Day Is Done. Day Is Dying In The West. Hard Love.