Traduction: Louange. God Of gloire éternelle. Jésus The Very Thought Of Thee. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. O Lamb Of God.
Traduction: Hymnes pour la famille de Dieu. The Wonder Of It All. Wonderful Words Of Life. Rock Of Ages, fente pour moi.
Traduction: Les cow-girls. Kingdom Of Pays. Marie Murfitt. Piano, Chant, Guitare feuille musique. feuille de musique vocale.
Traduction: Famille Hymn Book. O Little Town of Bethlehem. Pain Of The World. All Hail The Power Of Nom de Jésus. Intermédiaire.
Traduction: Anthologie de Chant sacré - Volume 3. Ye foes of man, your might is shaken – Barnby. Oh, loss of sight. Divers.
Traduction: Musica Sacra, volume 4. Sun Of My Soul, ô Sauveur Cher. Easy Hymn Preludes for Organ. Wilbur détenus. Organ Solo partitions. Début.
Traduction: Sacred Songs. Jesu, Maria de The Dream of Gerontius. Novissima hora intérêt de The Dream of Gerontius. Divers. Sacred Songs.
Traduction: The Big Book of Praise. The Big Book of Praise. Divers. Piano, Chant, Guitare feuille musique. feuille de musique vocale.
Traduction: L'Hymne Fake Book - C Edition. Le Lily Of The Valley. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. Pain Of The World.
Traduction: Fingerstyle guitare. Pack Up Your Sorrows. Man Of Constant Sorrow. Ken Perlman. Fingerstyle guitare. Pour Guitare.
Traduction: Commerce. Grandes œuvres chorales Vocal Scores. Version 2.0. George Frideric Handel. feuille de musique vocale. Partition chorale. Commerce.
Traduction: Persephone et le Four Seasons. 2006, rév. 2009. pour hautbois solo et orchestre. Thomas Oboe Lee. Partition Hautbois. Avancé. 2006, rév.
Traduction: Persephone et le Four Seasons. Persephone embraces her mother and dances joyously in the glow of the sun. 2006, rév. 2009.
Traduction: Louange et d'adoration Songbook - CD-Rom Édition. Because Of You. All Hail The Power Of Nom de Jésus. Cry Of My Heart.