Traduction: Arrangements et transcriptions.
Traduction: Partitions.
Traduction: Partitions. Anonyme.
Traduction: Partitions. Victoria, Tomas Luis de.
Traduction: Anonyme. Langue. Latin. Unison.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet, répons à Matines of the Dead. Langue. SATB.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet. Langue.
Traduction: Langue. SATB. The responsory sung as parting song in the funeral Liturgy. It is a responsory of redundant form, having two versicles.
Traduction: Langue. Used as parting song in the funeral Liturgy.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet, répons à Matines of the Dead. ATTBarB.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet. Langue. AttBB.
Traduction: Sacré, Motet, répons à Matines of the Dead. Langue. Latin. SAATB.
Traduction: Chorale SATB a cappella. Feuille principale musique.
Traduction: David Grâce. 1er Baryton. 1er Corne. 2ème Cornet. 2ème Corne.