Traduction: No.4 Petit Maggie May. 12 mélodies préférées, Op.57. Partitions.
Traduction: Partitions.
Traduction: Quatuor et Choeur de Maggi, H 59.
Traduction: Partitions. Divers.
Traduction: Home Maggie Murphy. Partitions.
Traduction: Jolies Tunes for Little Folks. Partitions de piano.
Traduction: aussi. Berlioz, Hector.
Traduction: Partitions vocales.
Traduction: Que les paroles de ma bouche. Sacré, Anthem. Langue. Anglais. Pour Nancy et Leebo et Rosa.
Traduction: Laïque, Chanson. Langue. Anglais. A simple little piece with a reasonable vocal range for all voices.
Traduction: Alléluia. Sacré, Motet. Langue. Anglais. SATB except for the very last chord, which adds a little extra divisi.
Traduction: Laïque, chanson pour enfants. Langue. Anglais. This piece is begun with a solo, ideally for a small child.
Traduction: Laïque, Unknown. Langue. Anglais. If I had to guess, this is going to be a bear to keep in tune. Get ready to hold on by your fingernails.
Traduction: Le cheval de labour. Plan. Laïque, chanson Art. Langue. Anglais. Pour le chœur de femmes SA, ou un bon duo, avec piano.
Traduction: Plan. Sacré, Anthem. Langue. Anglais. Mezzo solo with piano accompaniment based on a theme by Danish Ali.. The text is adapted from verse 2.
Traduction: Sacré, Anthem. Langue. Français. SATB for small choir with some division for the women. The 1st soprano part is HIGH.
Traduction: Sacré, Anthem. Langue. I posted this in the SATB section, but there are a few notes of divisi here and there. Lots of stepwise motion.