Traduction: Encore une fois adorer. Adorez Again de Michael W. Smith. Il est None Like You. Lord Have Mercy.
Traduction: Henry Smith. Michael O'Shields. W. Michael Ledner. Michael Smith. M. Smith. Divers.
Traduction: Ultimate Collection de culte. M Smith. D Smith. Michael Ledner. Il Knows My Name. M. Smith.
Traduction: Piano Praise. Henry Smith. M Smith. D Smith. Falling On My Knees. Lord Have Mercy. Divers.
Traduction: La Louange. You Are The One. You Alone. I Can Only Imagine. Il est None Like You. My Praise.
Traduction: I Go To The Rock. Be Still, My Soul. Doublement Good To You. Accueil Where I Belong. I.O.U. Moi.