Traduction: Notre Dieu des Merveilles, Volume 1. Oh Seigneur, tu es belle. Your Love, Oh Seigneur. Oh Seigneur, tu es belle.
Traduction: Supporter. Solo Voice partitions. Pour Voix solo. Collection. Christian moderne. Recueil de chansons.
Traduction: Henry Smith. Michael O'Shields. W. Michael Ledner. Michael Smith. M. Smith. Divers.
Traduction: Ultimate Collection de culte. D Smith. Michael Ledner. M. Smith. M. Smith. M. Smith. D. Smith.
Traduction: La Louange. You Are The One. You Alone. Il est None Like You. Without You. Modifier mon coeur Oh Dieu.
Traduction: Doublement Good To You. Oh Seigneur, tu es belle. Je dédie All My Love To You. Oh Bouddha. Of You.