Traduction: Away in a Manger. As Long As Il ya de Noël. Away In A Manger. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. I Saw Three Ships.
Traduction: As Long As Il ya de Noël. Away In A Manger. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. Du haut du ciel à la terre I Come. Flûte.
Traduction: As Long As Il ya de Noël. Away In A Manger. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. Du haut du ciel à la terre I Come. Divers.
Traduction: As Long As Il ya de Noël. Away In A Manger. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. Du haut du ciel à la terre I Come. Violet.
Traduction: Les Pages ultime chanson. Salle. Hallelujah I Love Her So. Here I Go Again. How Will I Know.
Traduction: La salle d'activités. Venez Fare Away With Me. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Plus loin le long. Le I.P.D.
Traduction: Paroles. I'm Walking Behind You. I Keep Going Back To Joe. All Alone Am I. All Night Long.
Traduction: Le Fake Book final de Noël - 4ème édition. Du haut du ciel à la terre I Come. I Saw Mommy embrasser le père noël.
Traduction: Rise Up Singing - Le groupe de chant Songbook. La salle d'activités. Venez Fare Away With Me. Plus loin le long.
Traduction: Away In A Manger. As Long As Il ya de Noël. I Saw Three Ships. Maîtrise en cette salle. Squeeze Me I Cry.
Traduction: Le film Fake Book - 4ème édition. If I Had A Talking Picture Of You. Le Jour I Fall In Love. I Believe In You and Me.
Traduction: Le faux vrai petit Livre Ultime - 3e édition. Californie, Here I Come. Do I Hear A Waltz. Places Far Away.