Traduction: Comment Belle ciel Must Be. If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again. I Will Arise. Just Over In The Gloryland.
Traduction: Chansons de tous les temps préférés de l'Amérique pour Dieu et le pays. America, the Beautiful. Battle Hymn Of The Republic.
Traduction: La chanson folklorique Fake Book - C Edition. All Through the Night. The Ash Grove. Home on the Range.
Traduction: Chansons de tous les temps préférés de l'Amérique pour Dieu et le pays. All Through The Night. Blow Your Trumpet, Gabriel.
Traduction: Le Fake Book celtique - C Edition. Be Thou My Vision. Butcher Boy, The. Across The Ocean Ouest. De Shores Erin.
Traduction: Tune Book de Bluegrass Picker. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. Will the Circle Be Unbroken. Cercle Be Unbroken.
Traduction: Commerce. Acis et Galatea, Act I - Sommaire. Acis et Galatée, Act I - 1. Acis et Galatée, Act I - 2.
Traduction: Les chansons Top 300 Contemporary Christian. I Miss My Time With You. I Want To Know Christ. Love Will Be Our Accueil.
Traduction: Mammoth Collection de Ryan de Fiddle Tunes. Rose Of The Valley Reel. The Broken lanterne Jig. Reel de The Irish Rover.
Traduction: Ballad Of A Thin Man. Blowin 'In The Wind. Canadee-i-o. Dead Man, Dead Man. Down In The Flood.
Traduction: De stationnement Picker Songbook - Guitare. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. C-H-I-C-K-E-N. Diamonds In The Rough.
Traduction: De stationnement Picker Songbook - mandoline. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. C-H-I-C-K-E-N. Diamonds In The Rough.
Traduction: The Real Fake Book Petit meilleur jamais - 3e édition - C Edition. Joy to the World. The Rainbow Connection.
Traduction: De stationnement Picker Songbook - Banjo. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. C-H-I-C-K-E-N. Diamonds In The Rough.
Traduction: Belles Maladies. Partout I Lay My Head. Dirt In The Ground. Hang Down Your Head. I Don't Wanna Grow Up.
Traduction: L'histoire de Frederick Law Olmsted. 2009. pour récitant et orchestre. Thomas Oboe Lee. feuille de musique vocale. 2009.
Traduction: Le meilleur Fake Book Ever - Bb 2e édition. The Boy From New York City. Candle in the Wind. the Flintstones.
Traduction: Le meilleur Fake Book Ever - 2e édition - Eb édition. The Boy From New York City. Candle in the Wind. the Flintstones.