Traduction: Born Under a Bad Connexion. Damn Right, j'ai obtenu les bleus. Killing Floor. Messin 'With the Kid.
Traduction: Born Under a Bad Connexion. Damn Right, j'ai obtenu les bleus. The Sky Is Crying. The Thrill Is Gone.
Traduction: Petite Songbook noir des Bleus. Born Under a Bad Connexion. On The Road Again. Baby, What You Want Me To Do.
Traduction: 152 des plus belles chansons du monde. Blowin 'in the Wind. Fly Me to the Moon. How High the Moon.
Traduction: Blues Guitar Tab Pages blanches. Born Under a Bad Connexion. Killing Floor. The Sky Is Crying.
Traduction: Le Blues Real Book. Born Under a Bad Connexion. Damn Right, j'ai obtenu les bleus. Messin 'With the Kid.