Traduction: Violon.
Traduction: The application of the “musica ficta” is sometimes puzzling, you can find my personal suggestions in the MIDI and the MusicXML files.
Traduction: Afton eau. Laïque, la chanson folklorique. Langue. Anglais.
Traduction: Amour fera les roses poussent. A cappella OU piano ou clavecin ou guitare ou luth. Laïque, Chanson. Langue. Anglais. SSA.
Traduction: Autrefois, il y avait des fleurs. Laïque, Chanson. Langue. Anglais. Ce travail a été composé en Février 2011, et le texte est original.
Traduction: Mark Chapman. A cappella. Laïque, Chanson. Langue. Anglais. SATB plus S solo. Solistes. who can be drawn from the choir.
Traduction: Laïque, Chanson. Langue. Anglais. SATB. This piece is a setting of a poem by a friend. Charis Messalina.
Traduction: Alléluia. There's no shame in writing in the counting if that reminds you to count. What did you particularly enjoy.
Traduction: I'm not sure how it would best be described as far as form. Laïque, Unknown. Langue. Anglais. TTBBBB.
Traduction: Je me couchai. Sacré, Anthem. Langue. Anglais. SSAATB.
Traduction: Plan. Sacré, Hymn. Langue. Anglais. This was originally composed. verse 1 and refrain.
Traduction: I've marked this as a "sacred anthem," but other than a passing reference to wandering wise men, the text is not overtly biblical.
Traduction: do not sing the F an octave down. The tambourine can be omitted if one is not available, but obviously it would be.
Traduction: Si vous n'êtes pas le seul. Partition Digitale.