Traduction: Oh, quand je suis en amour avec vous. Plan. Laïque, Chanson. Langue. Anglais. Solo Baryton.
Traduction: Laïque, Barbershop. Langue. Anglais.
Traduction: Basse. Bass Trombone 4. Batterie. Guitare. Plan.
Traduction: Violoncelle. Plan.
Traduction: Plan.
Traduction: Trompette.
Traduction: Piano.
Traduction: Vaughan-Williams On Wenlock edge - A Cycle of Six Songs No 4 Oh, When I Was in Love with You.
Traduction: - Non-classique.
Traduction: Light accompaniment for very small singers is fine, with the rest of the piece a cappella. Laïque, chanson pour enfants. Langue.
Traduction: Je me couchai. Maggie Furtak. A cappella. Sacré, Anthem. Langue. Anglais. SSAATB.
Traduction: You are on earth, Lord Jesus Christ. Father who in Christ. We believe in God the Father. In the mercy of God..
Traduction: for an Authorised Lay Ministry course in 2011 as an exploration of more contemporary music styles in modern church worship.